Your AI Toolkit: Create New Value Propositions
With Regie's AI Toolkit, our AI can craft your Value Propositions in seconds
Dindo Fernandez
Last Update hace un año
Your Value Proposition is the core of your competitive advantage. A strong value proposition will clearly communicate to a customer the benefits of using your product or services.
When thinking about your Value Props, ask yourself "In what way does our product or service solve a specific pain point/ problem for our customers?"
We recommend creating 1 - 3 Value Props for each of your Personas.
Regie makes it easy to create new compelling Value Propositions for you so that you won't have to!
Create New Value Propositions with AI
1. From the left-side navigation menu in the Regie Platform, select the AI Toolkit.
2. Once on the AI Toolkit page, scroll down to the Elements section and select the Value Proposition.
3. You'll then be on the Value Proposition page which is where you'll provide the AI with information to generate several value propositions to choose from.
Required fields to complete are the following:
- Company/Product Name
- Description - a descriptive summary of the company, product, or service. Remain mindful of the 600-character limit here.
Optional fields:
- Keywords - ensure Regie's AI incorporates any keywords listed in this field. Think of these as important words that must be included in the Value Proposition. Please be sure your keywords are comma separated.
- Buyer Persona - Briefly describe the target Buyer Persona, or specifically whom your company, product, or service would benefit. If the Value Proposition can be used for multiple Personas, list them in the field comma separated.
- Target Language - useful if you need these Value Propositions generated in a language other than English (US). Regie supports 32+ language translations.
4. When ready for the AI to create Value Propositions, select Generate AI Content located toward the bottom of the page.
5. AI-Generated Results will populate on the right side of the Value Propositions page within a few seconds.
6. From the list of Results, use the Quick Actions highlighted above on the generated outputs
7. To see a full list of every Value Proposition created using this feature in the AI Toolkit, select the History tab.
Once you've landed on a Value Proposition or set of Value Propositions that are the best fit for your company, service, or product be sure to link the Value Proposition to your Persona.
As your next step, please see the following article: