Module Directory for Regie's AI Tooklit

The AI Toolkit in has several modules you can use to generate ideas for a wide range of content for your sales emails, LinkedIn content, and marketing copy.

Dindo Fernandez

Last Update één jaar geleden

This article walks you through brief definitions of each currently available module. 

  • Blog Post - Generate an entire blog post in seconds using an AI workflow.
  • Personalizer - Let Regie craft a single personalized email or intro line, or generate several personalized emails and intro lines in bulk.
  • Social Posts - Generate social copy from specific URLs, Article Text, or Feedly content
  • Icebreaker - Break the ice with prospects by relating or connecting two different topics together for a personalized message that makes yours stand out amongst the rest.
  • Call Scripts - Create a custom call script that leverages your company description, pain point, value proposition, and desired tone of voice.
  • Images - Create unique AI-generated images for blogs, ads, email messages, and more.
  • Email Verification - Use Regie to instantly check the validity of your prospect's email addresses.
  • Enrichment - Use email addresses or LinkedIn Profile URLs to gather enriched data about your contacts in bulk or one at a time.
  • Personalized Cold Emails: Use this feature to boost responses you get from cold outreach to prospective customers.
  • Followup Snippets: Create follow up content to help resurface your intro emails.
  • Subject Lines: Write unique email subject lines that will increase your open rates.
  • Intro Lines: Intro lines, or the first line of your email, can be instrumental in driving better open rates.
  • Value Proposition: A succinct summary of the value your product or service can provide to customers.
  • Pain Points: What pain points or problems does your product or service address for yourcustomers?



  • InMails: Use this template for sending InMails introducing your product.
  • LinkedIn Connection Request: Write compelling LinkedIn connection request messages.
  • LinkedIn Blog Post Topic Ideas: Generate topic ideas for engaging blog content.
  • LinkedIn Blog Post Topic Outline: Create a blog post outline to help break any writer's block.
  • LinkedIn Blog Post Intro Paragraph: Kickstart your blog post with an enticing introductory paragraph.


  • AIDA Framework: Leverage the oldest marketing framework in the world by focusing on Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.
  • PAS Framework: Problem - Agitate - Solution -- use this framework to create high converting copy that cuts straight to the heart of what matters most to your customer.
  • Blog Post Intro Paragraph: Kickstart your blog post with an enticing introductory paragraph.
  • Blog Post Topic Idea: Generate blog topics to write Google-Friendly ad-copy.
  • Blog Post Topic Outline: Take your idea from before to flesh out an outline that is designed to increase engagement across your marketing channels.
  • Perfect Headline: Use this template to write effective and high-converting headlines for your blog posts, case studies, and more.
  • Facebook Ad Headline: Leverage this template to create headlines designed to generate interest and leads from Facebook.
  • Facebook Ad Primary Text: Create engaging copy for the "Primary Text" section of all of your Facebook. ads
  • Google Ad Headline: Create great copy for the "Headline" section of your Google ads.
  • Google Ad Description: Finish off that Google ad with copy designed to generate relevancy in your ad description.

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