Frequently Used Prompt Snippets that Customize Personalization

Commonly used prompt snippets that are used to customize Personalization Output

Jennifer Rice

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

Message Length Prompts:

Write me an email that is {X number} words or less.

Message Structure Prompts:

To create more white space in the body of the message: Add a single space before the next line or sentence or use two new lines.

Standardize email body structure using the following: "The second paragraph should" or "The fourth paragraph should"

Readability Prompts:

The email should be written at a X grade reading level.

Email Opener/Intro Line Prompts:

Humor-based opener: 

  • The first paragraph of the email should make a joke that connects the personalization to the prospect's problem.
  • The first sentence should mention the city they are in and make a joke about the weather, sports teams, or any colleges, schools or landmarks nearby. 

Standardized Opener

  • The first sentence should always start with "My name is {{sender name}}" and say that you noticed the city they are in and make a joke about one of the following: local cuisine, the weather, sports teams, or any colleges, schools or landmarks nearby. be friendly and casual and concise. 

Formal Opener/Intro Line Prompts: 

  • Always begin the email with the sentence "Thank you for reaching out for more information"

  • The email should start with "[Sender name], here from!", followed by two new lines.

CTA (Call to Action) Prompts:

Interest-Based CTA: End with an interest-based CTA question around the problem faced to reply. In the CTA, don’t include a specific time.

Time-Based CTA: End with a CTA that asks for a specific day and time to meet.

Message Sign Off Prompts:

  • Do not end the email with "best regards." Instead just use the sender's name and a dash. Do not include anything else like "Thanks" or "Best" or any type of formal salutation.

Prompt to remove email signature block/email sign off: 

  • Do not add signature. Do not end with a signoff. End with the CTA. Don't write anything after the CTA. Do not add my name at the end. Do no end with my name. 

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