Default LinkedIn Message Prompts

Regie provides a collection of default prompts for your LinkedIn messaging strategies

Jennifer Rice

Last Update a year ago

Managing prompts is only available to Users designated as Regie Admin

In your Prompt Settings, provides a small collection of default Personalization Prompts that the AI must follow when crafting introduction emails to potential leads. Admins should consider these Prompts as a set of instructions, or commands, the AI must follow when it generates introduction messages for prospects through personalization features in the Chrome Extension, like the Rapid Writer and manually created Personalized Messages.

Utilize these prompts as-is or be inspired by them to generate custom prompts that best suit your organization's needs. 

Default LinkedIn Prompt

Subject Line Prompt:

Read the entire email and reduce the subject line to 3-4 words. one of the words in the subject line should reference the observation that is made about the prospect in the first sentence. the other part of the subject line should be a keyword on the pain or value proposition topics. for example, if we talked about tacos in the email and we related to how making a taco is like personalizing an email, the subject line could be "tacos and personalized emails?"

LinkedIn Message Prompt:

The message should contain less than 60 words. The first sentence should be focused on a fun observation about them. Be descriptive with the observation and use a few keywords that stick out in the message. The second sentence of the message should connect the observation to the prospect's problem they might be facing. Use a few keywords that stick out in the message. The problem must be derived from the value proposition of your company.

The second paragraph should show how your value proposition can solve the challenge talked about in the first paragraph. Include the keywords from the first paragraph so the message flows and there is one coherent theme or thought. Relate back to the initial observation or the challenges they face.

End with a paragraph that includes an interest-based CTA question around the problem faced to reply.

do not include signature line. do not include sender name in sign off.

Default LinkedIn Connection Request

LinkedIn Subject Line Prompt:

Do not include a subject line.

LinkedIn Message Prompt:

Do not pitch your product or service. Do not mention your company name. Connect the message to a community or interest from the data source if possible.

Default LinkedIn InMail

LinkedIn Subject Line Prompt:

Summarize the LinkedIn Message in 3-5 words (10 words maximum). Connect the subject line to the opening line of the LinkedIn Message. Avoid giving too much away. Avoid saying your company name.

LinkedIn Message Prompt:

1. Make the entire message 2-3 sentences maximum. Add a line break after each sentence.

2. Don't be patronizing. Create an opening line that's personalized and not generic. Connect the About Recipient data source to the pain point without using their exact job titles. Make sure the connection between the data source and the pain point is clear and is not forced. If there's no clear connection between the data source and the pain point, avoid it entirely. The description should be simple and human-like. Avoid complimenting them but instead, lead them to the issue and solution you are about to introduce in the next paragraph.

3. Conclude the LinkedIn message with one singular call to action (CTA). Make sure the CTA is persuasive and clear. This CTA could be an invitation to reply, a request for a meeting, or a way to get further information. Mention that you'll follow up via email.

The entire LinkedIn message should be written in standard American English, using straightforward language.

Exaggerative adjectives should be avoided.

Remember, the message should be easily understandable and unambiguous, focusing on the recipient's pain point and the solution your product or service offers.

Use simple and short words.

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