Default Intro Line Prompts provided by

Regie provides a collection of Intro Line Prompts by default to support your messaging strategies.

Jennifer Rice

Last Update één jaar geleden

Only Users designated as Regie Admin can access and manage Prompts.

Within your Brand Kit's Prompt settings, Regie provides a Prompt Library complete with a collection of Intro Line Prompts. Admins should think of Prompts as the set of instructions, or commands, the AI must follow as it generates personalized Intro Lines for prospects through the Rapid Writer and Personalizer features available on the Regie Chrome Extension. Prompts will dictate the structure and tone of the content being generated.

Utilize these default Intro Line Prompts as-is or be inspired by them to generate custom prompts that best suit your organization's needs. 

  • Default

***This intro line prompt is the default for Rapid Writer and Personalizer generated messaging using the Chrome Extension

Intro Line Prompt

Write the first line of an email that asks a relevant question that connects something personal about the prospect to a solution that we provide.

  • Humor-Based Opener

Intro Line Prompt

Do not say hi or hello. Avoid introducing yourself. Make a joke that's related to one or more parts of the data source and has nothing to do with the pain point or value proposition. Avoid being too corny. Avoid being offensive or unprofessional. Avoid sarcasm. Avoid trying too hard. Do not mention your company.

  • Observation-Based Opener

Intro Line Prompt

Write the first line of an email. The first line of this email should make an observation using something personal to the prospect that is related to our value proposition followed by a question asking if they're experiencing challenges in that area.

  • Permission-Based Opener

Intro Line Prompt

Write the first line of an email. The first line of this email should ask a permission-based question related to a challenge that their role is likely facing.

  • Question-Based Opener

Intro Line Prompt

Write the first line of an email. The first line of this email should ask a question that connects a challenge they may have in their role to the solution that we provide.

  • Value Prop Based Opener

Intro Line Prompt

Do not say hi or hello. Avoid introducing yourself. Avoid mentioning your company. Avoid asking for a meeting. Avoid jargon. Avoid being patronizing or overly complimentary. Connect the data source to the value proposition. Make sure the connection between the data source and value proposition is clear and is not forced. If there isn't a way to connect the data source and your value proposition, don't mention the value proposition at all. Keep the intro line short (30 words or less).

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