Navigating between Workspaces

Easily switch between workspaces within your Regie Platform

Dindo Fernandez

Last Update 9 mesi fa

Some Regie Users may require access to more than one workspace on their Regie platform. 

You or a Regie admin may have created additional workspaces for specific needs, or you may have been invited to join one by a teammate.

Don't worry, either way--we make moving around to different Workspaces easy to do in the's how!

1. Within your Regie platform and select your initials located in the bottom left corner.  .

2. Upon clicking your initials your Account menu will expand.

3. From here you can select between the Workspaces you have access to, which are listed in alphabetical order toward the top of this menu.

4. To access a different workspace simply click the name of the Workspace within the list. Use the right-side scroll for list navigation as needed.

That's it! Your platform will automatically refresh and you'll be instantly brought to the selected Workspace.

To switch Workspaces again, simply refer back to Step 1 of this article and re-start the process!

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