Troubleshooting the Chrome Extension

Jennifer Rice

Last Update một năm trước

If you are seeing performance issues with the Chrome extension, first try refreshing the page.

You could then try the following troubleshooting options:

  • Log out of the Chrome Extension and hard refresh the page

  • Confirm that you're signed into the correct workspace 

  • Uninstalling the Chrome extension and then reinstalling
    • After installing, be sure to sign back into your and refresh any open tabs in your Chrome browser

  • Disabling other Chrome extensions that may be analyzing the same content (Grammarly, etc.)
    • Please go to chrome://extensions/ and toggle them off temporarily (or remove any extensions if you are no longer using them)

  • Adjust your browser's Cookie Settings to allow all cookies.
    • Please go to chrome://settings/ and select your Privacy and security settings
    • Select Cookies and other site data located in the center of the page
    • Select Allow all cookies

  • Restart your computer. Hey, we all need a fresh start sometimes!

If you are seeing any error messages/ not able to view the extension, there may have been an update made to the extension.

After a new update, you may need to accept new permissions if you see an Error message at the top of your Chrome bar:

Select the message, and then select "Accept Permissions" and reload the pages you were working on. 

How to update to the latest version of the Chrome Extension

If your Chrome extension doesn't update automatically to the latest version, you can go to chrome://extensions/ and at the top of the page select the "Update" button to update to the latest version. 

If you ever experience a bug while using Regie please let us know. 

See the linked help article on how to report bugs to the Regie Team. 

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