How to report a bug to

Jennifer Rice

Last Update hace un año

Please let the Regie team know right away if you encounter any bugs or issues while using the platform or the Regie Extension.

A user friendly Chrome Extension called is what we ask clients to use to record the exact bug you are facing to share with the Regie Team.

Why use this extension to submit bug reports instead of a normal screen recording?

When you use the Chrome Extension to record a bug you're experiencing while using, additional data about the bug, like critical error logs, are captured by this extension.

The Chrome Extension helps the Regie Team diagnose and solve your bug faster and more accurately than ever!

I don’t have the Chrome Extension installed. How do I get the extension? 

1. Visit this link, and install the Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. When prompted, sign up for a free account, which will store all of your bug report recordings.

3. Navigate to the page where you faced the error

4. Refresh the page

5. Launch the Chrome Extension by clicking on the “berry” icon located in the upper right of your task bar

    6.To start recording:

         a. Select “Record Desktop” if the bug you would like to show us requires you to navigate across browser tabs/windows during recording.

         b. Select “Record Tab” if the bug you would like to show us DOES NOT require you to navigate across browser tabs/windows during recording.

    7. Replicate the bug that you faced with the extension recording

    8. After you have finished replicating the bug, press the “Stop recording” icon, and will begin processing your recording.

    9. When your recording is processed, a screen will appear where you can add optional notes/comments about the bug that you faced.

    10. In the comments section, always state the name of the workspace that you are logged into. 

    Find your workspace name by clicking the Regie Extension Icon, located on the upper right of your Chrome browser. 

    The workspace name is always displayed under your email address.

    11. Click the “Create” button and send the generated “link you can share” to the team for diagnosis.

    I already have the Chrome Extension installed. What are my next steps?

    Simply repeat steps 5 - 11 as outlined above! 

    If you require any additional assistance, please connect with the Regie Team and we'll be happy to help!

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