SSO (Single Sign On) FAQs

Frequently asked SSO questions and answers

Jennifer Rice

Last Update 6 เดือนที่แล้ว

Q: Does support SSO and if so what types?

A: Yes, SSO is supported by Currently we support the following: 

  • SAML with OKTA
  • Google Workspace SSO
  • Microsoft Azure AD SSO
  • OpenID Connect SSO

Q: Does SSO support JIT, SCIM, or any type of account provisioning and deprovisioning with Okta?

A: No, at this time we currently do not support account provisioning with Okta SSO.

Q: What is the process for setting up SSO?

A: First reach out to your dedicated Client Success Manager (CSM) on how to get rolling with your SSO setup. 

Please see the How to Enable SSO Connection after connecting with your CSM.

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