Subject Line Generator

In just one click, let Regie suggest a contextual subject line for your message

Dindo Fernandez

Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

Have a message to send to a prospect but unsure on what to write for your email's subject line? 

In just one click, Regie Chrome Extension Users can have a perfect, context-driven subject line suggested for them in just one click, using the Subject Line Generator.

See how it works below:

Using the Subject Line Generator:

1. Draft a new email in your sales engagement platform, preferred email service provider or InMail on LinkedIn.

Note: will need at least 15 words in the body of your email to generate contextualized Subject Line options.

2. Click the Bolt Icon floating within your email's Subject Line field.

3. Regie will instantly generate a subject line based on the content that is within the body of the email.

4. Want to generate more subject line suggestions? Select the Bolt Icon as many times as you’d like until landing on a Subject Line that works best for you!

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