Role Types & Permissions
Users in can be Admins, Creator & Publishers, Creators, or Consumers.
Jennifer Rice
Last Update a year ago

All licensed users are able to access the Chrome Extension.
Admin: These users can see and access all plugin, user, and all workspace settings. They can create and archive content and Campaigns, and have access to all modules in
We recommend that your Sales Engagement Platform (SEP) Admin should also be an Admin in so they can enable the SEP integration.
Creator & Publisher: These users can create content for your CMS Library and create Campaigns, but they are not able to archive/ unarchive Campaigns and they do not have access to the plugin/ user settings.
Any users that create content and need to publish content to your SEP, but do not need Admin permissions should be Creator & Publishers.
Creator & Publishers can create/edit Personas and manage Lists and Tags in workspace settings.
Creator: These users can create content for your CMS Library and create Campaigns, but they are not able to publish Campaigns or archive/ unarchive Campaigns.
Any users that create Campaigns but need to be restricted from publishing campaigns directly to your SEP should be Creators.
Creator can create/edit Personas and manage Lists and Tags in workspace settings.
Consumer: These users only have access to the AI Toolkit and cannot create or edit CMS Library content or Campaigns.
This is a good role for users that would like to utilize the AI Toolkit to get ideas, but they do not create email campaigns for your organization.