Personality and Communication Analysis FAQs
Jennifer Rice
Last Update il y a un an
Q: How does Regie surface communication and personality analysis?
A: We draw these insights using a proprietary method of data collection, coupled with an integration with
Q: I'm currently using the Prospect Lookup on the Chrome Extension and selected the Personality Analysis. What are DiSC and OCEAN Personality Frameworks?
A: DiSC® is a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people every year to help improve teamwork, communication, and productivity in the workplace.
DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.
People with D personalities tend to be confident and place an emphasis on accomplishing bottom-line results.
People with i personalities tend to be more open and place an emphasis on relationships and influencing or persuading others.
People with S personalities tend to be dependable and place the emphasis on cooperation and sincerity.
People with C personalities tend to place the emphasis on quality, accuracy, expertise, and competency.
For more info on DiSC please visit:
According to the OCEAN model, there are only five main dimensions of personality.
The letters in "OCEAN" stand for:
Here is a blog breaking down each of those areas more:
Q: Does Regie automatically incorporate a prospect's Personality and Communication preferences while generating personalized content?
A: No not at this time. Users can lean on this analysis to manually adjust any Personalization inputs while using the Chrome Extension to craft personalized messages to prospects.