LinkedIn Task Automation with the Power Socializer
Breeze through your social tasks using the Power Socializer in the Regie Chrome Extension
Jennifer Rice
Last Update hace 3 meses
Located within the Chrome Extension you'll find the Power Socializer.
The Power Socializer simplifies your prospecting on LinkedIn by pulling in all of your social tasks and helps you complete them in a few easy steps.
See the videos below on using the Chrome Extension to execute on social tasks surfaced by your Regie Auto-Pilot Agent.
Important Note for InMail Task Completion:
To complete your InMail tasks, always start your social tasks using the Task Automator while on the prospect's LinkedIn Profile. Do NOT initially start Task Execution within Sales Navigator from the Chrome Extension.
What happens when I mark the task as complete in the Task Automation panel of the extension?
All social tasks manually marked as complete by the User through the Power Socializer, will show the task as complete in Salesforce and, if an Outreach user, will get marked as complete in Outreach as well.
How are the messages created using the Power Socializer?
Personalized messages created by are created by matching to the prospect's persona.
For Auto-Pilot users, personalized messages are created using the settings established for the AI Agent designated for social prospecting.
Note for Outreach users: Outreach users also have access to the Power Socializer to complete LinkedIn Tasks from existing Outreach Sequences.
To access this feature:
1. Reps must be signed into their team's Regie workspace and have the Chrome Extension downloaded.
2. Reps must be signed into both Outreach and LinkedIn.
3. Reps must select to pull social tasks from Outreach by using the dropdown menu at the top of the Task Automation panel (as shown in the image below)
Personalized messages are created for Outreach Users by utilizing the team's social prospecting personalization settings within the team's Co-Pilot Brand Kit.