Apollo Integration FAQs

Jennifer Rice

Last Update 8 months ago

Q: Why should I connect my team's Apollo Account to my Regie.ai Platform?

A: Regie.ai's Apollo Integration uses Apollo's mobile numbers if Regie.ai can't find the data in your Salesforce.com records. This means more dials for your team to the numbers you trust Apollo to have.

Each time an Agent tries to create a call task, it will check if the mobile phone data is in your salesforce first. If it's not, it will use Apollo to get the mobile phone data where available. If a mobile phone number for the prospect remains unavailable, we won't create a call task but will fall back to other channels of communication, like email and social tasks.

Q: Will Regie be able to source any numbers other than mobile through the Apollo Integration?

A: The Apollo + Regie.ai integration will only perform a search on a missing mobile phone number for the contact.

Q: Will the integration effect my Apollo credits?

A: Yes, your Apollo contract must include phone number enrichment credits. 

Apollo verifies the data and charges you 1 mobile credit and 1 email credit for the verified mobile phone number it finds on a prospect. If number is not valid, it is not pushed over.

Regie.ai will only attempt to pull missing mobile phone data based on the number of call tasks scheduled.

Q: Will the Apollo + Regie.ai Integration automatically remove wrong phone numbers?

A: Although Apollo will ensure the number is valid, Apollo cannot guarantee that phone numbers will be 100% correct every time.

If you are provided a wrong number for a prospect, reps should document this on the prospect's record within the team's Sales Engagement Platform and/or Salesforce.

Q: Does Apollo have a call suppression feature?

A: Yes, Apollo offers screening against US and UK Do Not Call (DNC) lists.

Please see the following article on how to enable DNC lists in Apollo.

Q: Does Regie.ai support integrating with multiple phone enrichment providers?

A: No, your Regie.ai workspace can integrate with just one phone number enrichment provider.

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